(1)岁月荏苒,时光如箭,转眼间我们即将迎来新的一年。2020年是非常不凡的一年,新冠肺炎疫情席卷全球,打破了往日生活学习的方式。但这一年里, 因为有大家的一如继往的关心;因为有广大老师的理解和支持;因为有全体同学坚持不懈的努力;中文学校依然在向前,在进步。在此学校行政团队向各位老师,家长和同学们献上诚挚的谢意和新年的祝福:祝新年快乐,平安健康,阖家幸福,万事顺意!
请注意:发送的照片文件名请包含中文学校账户family id (FID),班级名字及学生名字。
Dear parents, teachers and students,
(1) New Year is just around the corner, the year 2020 has been an unpredictable ride through the pandemic, COVID-19 has had a disruptive impact on all of our lives. However, We are so thankful to our teachers, parents, and students for all the amazing gestures of support to ensure continuous education at Chinese school. We wish all families a happy, successful, and above all, a healthy 2021.
(2) The first day of school in 2021 is January 3. Please make sure to attend classes on time.
(3) School Yearbook Photo collection
School yearbook’ photos collection needs teachers and parents’ helps.
***Teachers can submit their own self-portraits or screenshots of online classes.
***Parents can take their child(ren)’s self-portraits or pictures they are participating in online classes.
Photos can be sent to Vice Principal Mr. Lei Zhu: school.communication@cccalbany.org
Please make sure your file name including "Chinese school account family ID (FID), class name and student’s name”
Chinese School Administration Team