中文学校周讯 Chinese School Newsletter -9/9/2020




2️⃣在周五(9月11日)晚之前,各学生会收到来自注册的课程班级老师的邮件,邮件中老师将说明本班的网课链接以及网课的注意事项。如到9月11日晚,你还没有收到老师发的网课链接(zoom link),请速联系老师(请看附件学校教师通讯录)或联系学校教务school.academic@cccalbany.org

3️⃣如果有尚未注册,而想要试听课程的家庭,请于9月12日之前联系学校教务人员school.academic@cccalbany.org 申请试听。

请注意注册人数已 满15人的班级和数学班不提供试课.

兴趣班:儿童绘画、Chess intermediate,Coding Python,Coding-Intermediate,Computer Assisted Design and 3D Printing,跟着古诗去旅行

具体课程请登录中文学校网站查询 https://registration.albanychineseschool.org/albany/courses
参赛者班级(2019-2020 学年):


一等奖:1名,$20 e-gift card
二等奖:2名,$10 e-gift card
三等奖:3名,$5 e-gift card

5️⃣学校PTA将在9月19日(周六)晚7点组织一场新学年的在线家长说明会(Open House),具体通知见下周周讯。这次家长说明会将提供新学年课程的介绍,网课实施细则概况,注意事项及经验分享,新学年网上活动介绍和Q&A等等。为更有效回答您的问题,请提前将问题发送至到 pta@cccalbany.org。 

6️⃣目前学校的注册系统已关闭,如需注册课程,请联系学校教务人员albanychineseteaching@gmail.com 或 school.academic@cccalbany.org

7️⃣ 如需购买课本及2019-2020年的学校年刊,请到华社网站购买(https://cccalbany.org/Shopping),具体的领取日期请等待学校进一步通知。如需要的课本显示缺货,请联系学校的校务人员school.communication@cccalbany.org.

8️⃣ 请看附件本学年校历。




Dear Teachers, Parents and Students,

1️⃣ September 13th is the first day of school. The following is the class time. All students are expected not to be late for the class and to follow the online class rule.  

   1:00pm-1:45pm First period of language class
   1:55pm-2:40pm Second period of language class 
   2:50pm-3:40pm Culture/enrichment class    

2️⃣Each student should receive an email from his/her teacher by Friday night September 11. In the email, the teacher will provide Zoom class links and other requirements for the class.  If you haven't received an email from the teacher by the evening of September 11, please contact the teacher directly (please see attached Teacher Directory) or contact the school administration at school.academic@cccalbany.org

3️⃣For the families who have not registered yet and want to try the course, please contact school.academic@cccalbany.org before September 12th.

The following classes are currently available for tryout:
Chinese Classes: Class 1 Class 2, Class 2 Class 2, Class 3 Class 2, Class 4 Class 1, Class 4 Class 3, Class 5 Class 1, Class 6 Class 3, Class 7 Class 2, Class 9 Class 1, AP Chinese Class, CSL-Kid1, CSL-Youth/Adult
Culture classes: children's drawing, Chess intermediate, Coding Python, Coding-Intermediate, Computer Assisted Design and 3D Printing, travel with ancient poetry

For specific courses, please go to the school website https://registration.albanychineseschool.org/albany/courses

4️⃣The deadline for the "I Love Chinese School" drawing competition has been postponed to September 25. Contestants should submit their works to school.events@cccalbany.org with the following information: 
Chinese school family ID: 
Contestant's name: Contestant's class (2019-2020 school year):
Contestant's teacher name: 
Parent contact email

The competition is divided into three grade level groups: 
Lower grade group: kindergarten ~ second grade 
Middle grade group: third grade ~ fifth grade 
High grade group: sixth grade and above
The awards for each grade group are set as follows: 
First place: 1 student, $20 e-gift card 
Second place:2 students, $10 e-gift card 
Third place :3 students, $5 e-gift card 
Participating award: numerous students, Electronic certificate

5️⃣The school PTA will host an online open house at 7:00pm on September 19 (Saturday). Please see next week's newsletter for detailed information. This open house will provide  information regarding classes, school rules , activities , Q& A and more. If you have any questions, please submit to pta@cccalbany.org in advance. 

6️⃣The school’s registration  is currently closed. If you need to register for a course, please contact  albanychineseteaching@gmail.com or school.academic@cccalbany.org.

7️⃣If you need to purchase textbooks and the 2019-2020 school yearbook, please go to the website at https://cccalbany.org/Shopping. The school will announce the order pickup  time.  If  any textbook is out of stock, please email  school.communication@cccalbany.org.

8️⃣School calendar for 2020-2021 is attached. 

Thank you.

Chinese school administration team




✅课本和年刊领取日:September 5th Saturday



*****地点:华社(11 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110)***** 


学校会在华社停车场安排三个取书桌,分别是低年级(一二三年级),中年级(四五六年级)和高年级(七八九年级和AP班)。家长可将车停在取书桌前,在车内出示打印好的 paid confirmation email。学校将根据此Email发放预订的教材,Paid confirmation email 将留下作为学校存档。



1. 教材只包括华社购书网页上的马立平一至九年级和AP班的中文教材,其他教材请联系本班老师。

2. 为确保安全的社交距离,请家长们在安排好的时段抵达华社。抵达后,尽量不要聚集。如认为有需要,请自行配戴口罩。 

3. 如取书桌前有家长正在取书,请将车停在稍远地点稍作等候,以免拥挤发生交通事故。

4. 在领取教材时,请仔细核对自己所领取的教材类型。 

5. 取书是学校只接收 Paid confirmation email。学校将不现场售书,不接收支票、现金。


✅学费缴款截止日*:  September 6th Sunday 

*****$10 late payment fee applies after the due date*****


✅网课开学第一天: September 13th Sunday


   1:00pm-1:45pm First period of language class

   1:55pm-2:40pm Second period of language class 

   2:50pm-3:40pm Culture/enrichment class


✅课程试听日: September 13th & 20th


   *****如您要试听9月13日的某个您没注册的班级课程, 请于9月10日之前联系教务*****

   *****如您要试听9月20日的某个您没有注册的班级课程, 请于9月17日之前联系教务*****





中文学校周讯-新学期重要日期 - Chinese School Newsletter- Important Dates





✅课本和年刊领取日:September 5th Saturday from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

地点:华社(11 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110)

请家长将车停在取书桌前,在车内出示并上交打印好的 paid confirmation email 领取课本或年刊。



✅学费缴款截止日*: August 31st Monday

*$10 late payment fee applies after the due date


✅开学第一天: September 13th Sunday


1:00pm-1:45pm First period of language class

1:55pm-2:40pm Second period of language class 

2:50pm-3:40pm Culture/enrichment class


✅“我爱中文学校”绘画比赛交稿截止日期:September 10th Thursday
















Dear parents,

I hope you and your family had a safe and wonderful summer. The Chinese School online course will start on September 13. Please pay attention to the following important dates and prepare for the start of school:

✅Textbook and yearbook pick up date: September 5th Saturday from 10:00am to 12:00pm

Location: Chinese Community Center (11 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110) 
Please park your car in front of the pick-up desk, stay in the car and hand in the print copy of paid confirmation email to receive your pre-ordered textbook or yearbook.

✅Tuition payment deadline*: August 31st Monday

* $10 late payment fee applies after the due date

✅First day of school: September 13th Sunday

The following is the course schedule: 
1:00pm-1:45pm First period of language class 
1:55pm-2:40pm Second period of language class 
2:50pm-3:40pm Culture/enrichment class

✅Deadline for submission of the "I Love Chinese School" Drawing Contest: September 10th Thursday

Please take a photo of the artwork and submit to: school.events@cccalbany.org
When submitting the artwork, please include  the following information:
~~ Title of Work:
~~Chinese school family ID:
~~Student's name:
~~Age of Student:
~~ Class of Student (2019-2020 school year):
~~Name of the teacher of the student:
~~Parent contact email:

Thank you

Chinese School Administration Team

订购中文课本及年刊的重要通知 - Order Chinese Textbook & School Yearbook Now!
















1. 登录华社网站https://cccalbany.org

2. 华社会员请登录自己的账号;非华社会员不用注册账户直接进入下一步。

3. 点击“Program”然后“School”再点击“Order Textbook”,进入购书页面。

4. 选择要购买的教材。如需要购买两个或两个以上不同年级的课本,请返回购书主页面选择。选完所以需要的教材后进入购物篮(cart)。

5. 在Contact页面,华社会员Email栏会自动显示您注册的Email。非会员需要填写您的Email。注意: 请务必确认Email是否正确。付款后此邮箱将收到确认Email和Invoice Letter。在您取书时将以此Email为凭证。

6. 在完成Contact后是Delivery。 在此已经选好了华社取书,直接Continue到下一页。

7. 接下来是Billing and shipping information。请务必在Comments里填上您的Family ID以方便学校在取书时能快速找到您的记录。

***请大家务必在Comments里填上您的中文学校Family ID 以方便学校在取书时能快速找到您的记录***

8. 通过PayPal完成支付。

9. 在收到学校通知后,打印Invoice letter,于指定时间到华社取书。






Dear Parents, 

Because of the pandemic, textbooks can be purchased online only starting from August 2. 

School currently only accepts online payment, such as PayPay. Cash and check will not be accepted.

Before starting the school year2020-2021 semester, you can go to the Chinese Community Center to pick up textbooks you purchased. The pickup schedule will be announced later. The school will not provide a delivery service.

  *The school guarantees your order will be available at the time pickup if you order between August 2 to August 9. 

  * After August 9, you can still order textbooks online, but the school will follow first come first served until all the stock textbooks sold out.

So please order textbooks now.

Steps of online purchase:
1. Go to https://cccalbany.org
2. Login if you are a member of the Chinese Community Center. If you are not a member, go to the next step.
3. Click on "Program" then "School" and then "Order Textbook" and get into the page of textbooks
4. Choose the textbooks you want to purchase. If you need more than one textbook, go back to the textbook list and choose another one. After you select all textbooks you want to purchase, click on "Cart".
5. In the "Contact "page, if you are a member of the Chinese Community Center, the Email address will be auto-populated. If not, please fill in your email address, name, and phone number. Please carefully check your email whether you are a member of the Chinese Community Center or not. The confirmation email and invoice letter will be sent to this email you provide. And you will use this email to pick up your order.
6. Next is Delivery information. It has been preset. Click "Continue".
7. In the "Billing and shipping information" page, please add your family ID in "Comments". The school will use your family ID to track your order.
8. Logon PayPal to finish your purchase.
9. After receiving a confirmation letter, please print the invoice letter and pick up your order later.

If you purchase the textbook after the semester started, the school will provide another pickup. And the schedule will be announced later.

If you have questions about textbook purchases, please contact vice principal Lei Zhu (school.communication@cccalbany.org).

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!






















中文学校20-21学年网上课程注册正式开放! 20-21 school year class enrollment starts



1. 预计2020-2021学年中文学校的所有课程均为网课。一旦North Colonie School District对社区租户开放租用场地,中文学校会返回教室进行实体教学。

2. 2020-2021学年注册课程时采取“先到先得”原则,不设waiting list。

3. 数学班今年不设入班考试,注册满员即止。其中Math 4B和Math 5B,截至9月6日,如注册人数不足7人,将不予开班。

4. 语言班每班学生人数上限为15人。语言班某一班级满员后,请选择同一年级其他仍有空位的班级注册。如注册时,该年级所有班级都已满员,请联络学校教务人员统一调配安排。学校教务电邮为albanychineseteaching@gmail.com

5. 如要享有华社会员学费折扣,请务必先缴纳华社会费,等待学校家庭账号内显示会员折扣后再付学费。课程注册步骤具体说明可通过以下学校网页了解

6. 今年的学费在原来学费基础上打九折,具体为

7. 今年没有PTA值日押金。

8. 今年学费缴纳的截止日期是9月6日。逾期缴费的将收取$10的滞纳金。

9. 今年网上注册的截止日期是9月6日。逾期注册者,以及在截止日期后新注册账号的家庭,请联系学校教务人员进行注册。

10. 请各位家长在缴费前,认真阅读《学校网课实施细则》及《网课免责协议》。请看附件。



Dear Parents & Students,

Chinese School online class registration for the 2020-21 school year is now open.

1. Due to the COVID-19, all courses of 2020-2021 school year is online courses. However, Plan will be reassessed for possible move to in-person learning when North Colonie School District reopens their facilities to outside tenant.

2. Class enrollment is based on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no waiting list.

3.  Admission exam is not required for Match class enrollment. Please note for classes of Math 4B and Math 5B, they will not open if each class enrollment number is less than 7 students by 9/6/2020.

4. The maximum number of students in each language class is 15 students. If one language class is full, please enroll another class in the same grade. If all classes in the specific grade are full at the time of registration, please contact school academic staff at albanychineseteaching@gmail.com.

5. Tuition discount will only apply to Chinese Community Center (CCC) member. You can apply or renew CCC membership before paying the tuition. Please refer registration instruction at https://registration.albanychineseschool.org/albany/node/4670 

6. 20-21 school year tuition is 10% discount compare to last year:
   >>>>CCC member:
    Language class: $252
    Culture class: $119
   >>>>Non-CCC member:
    Language class: $360
    Culture class: $170

7. There will be no PTA deposit payment this school year.

8. Tuition is due September 6 2020. $10 late fee will be charged after the deadline.

9. Online class enrollment deadline is September 6 2020. If you would like to register and missed the deadline, Please contact the school academic staff at albanychineseteaching@gmail.com

10. All parents must read "School Online Course Rules" and " Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement " before pay the tuition. Please see attached.

If you have any questions, please contact school principal at principal@cccalbany.org or school academic at albanychineseteaching@gmail.com.


Chinese School Administration Team

中文学校绘画网上比赛-Virtual Drawing Contest





**不限工具和形式:素描、水彩画、蜡笔画、油画, 笔画等均可。
**每个学生只限 交一副作品 参赛






The Chinese School Art Contest, originally scheduled for the March deadline, was postponed to September 10 this year.

Please submit the photo of the artwork to school.events@cccalbany.org by 9/10/2020.

The competition is free of charge and all Chinese school students can participate.

[Contest Theme: I Love Chinese School]

It can be any form: such as sketch, watercolor, crayon, oil painting, etc.
One entry per student.

When you submit, please include the following information:

~~Drawing Title:
~~Family ID:
~~First Name:
~~Last Name:
~~Teacher's Name:
~~Parent's email:

Please use the original photo size when upload work to keep the resolution.The photo can not be edited by any Photoshop software, Chinese School reserves the right to disqualify the contestant.


Chinese School Administration Team

关于中文学校秋季开学的重要通知 Important Notice for Chinese School new school year

Dear Chinese School Parents and Students,

(1) Chinese school will conduct online teaching for the upcoming 2020-21 school year.

    Giving the current guidelines for operating schools during COVID, North Colonie School District is not entertaining any use of the facility by outside groups. Therefore, Chinese school is opting to remote learning starting this Fall.

(2)Online registration for Fall classes is scheduled to begin on July 18, please stay tuned...details will be announced soon.

(3)Details with regards to purchasing textbooks will be announced soon.

(4) The tuitions for the 2020-21 school year are reduced:

    By looking into new school year’s operating cost and making online learning more affordable to more families, Chinese School decided to reduce tuition by about 10% for 2020-2021 school year:

    ➡️Tuitions for non-CCC members are $360 for language lesson and $170 for culture lesson;

    ➡️ Tuitions for CCC members are $252 for language lesson and $119 for culture lesson.

    Don’t forget to go to www.cccalbany.org to apply/renew your CCC membership.

(5) PTA deposit refund for last school year (2019-20): 

    The school will contact families who didn’t have the opportunity to perform PTA duty last school year to arrange a refund of the PTA deposit.

(6) There will be no PTA deposit included in the tuition for the 2020-21 school year.

(7) The deadline for submission of the Chinese School Art contest:    

    The Chinese School Art Contest originally scheduled to be held in March was postponed to September 2020, and the deadline for submission is September 10, 2020. Further details will be announced soon.

Thank you.

Chinese School Administration Team




    因受Covid-19影响,Shaker Junior High school 的校舍2020-2021学年将不能租给校外组织使用。考虑到目前形势的不确定性,学校董事会讨论后,决定今年中文学校将全年进行网课教学。








(5)上学年(2019-20 )PTA 押金退款:学校会联系上学年没有机会值日的家庭安排PTA押金退款。

(6)2020-21 学年学费中将不包括PTA值日押金。



    原定于3月举办的中文学校绘画比赛,延期至2020年9月份,交稿截止日期为 2020年9月10日。具体内容请留意学校后续通知。




2020-2021 Chinese School Team Announcement

Dear teachers, parents and students,

I am glad to announce that CCC Chinese School Council has approved 2020-2021 school administration team on June 12, 2020:

Principal       Lin Mo

Council Chair   Jie Wang

Vice Principal  Ye Zhong

Vice Principal  Lei Zhu

Vice Principal  Yi Lei

Treasurer       Dawei Liu

Director        Wenqi Li

Secretary       Luna Zhang

PTA Chair       Yanan Hou

Registration & Database Administrator   Jian Xu

Web Master      Ling Xiao

Bookkeeper      Wei Sun


Additionally, Jie Wang was elected as School Council Chair for 2020-2021 term and Yanan Hou will lead PTA team as PTA chair.

I would like to thank all above volunteers for their continued service to Chinese School and stepping forward to take more responsibilities in school operation.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the new school team.


Thank you,


Hongbo Cao

CCC Chinese School Council Chair




校长              莫琳

校董事会主席  王洁

教务副校长   钟烨

校务副校长   朱磊

活动副校长   雷奕

财务主任            刘大卫

教务长             李文奇

校长助理            张鲁娜

家长会代表主席 侯亚楠

注册及资料库主管        徐健

网站主管            肖玲

出纳/记账   孙蔚










(1) 1:00pm-2:40pm 正常上中文语言课,没有第三节兴趣课。


(2) 2:50pm-3:50pm Kahoot 中文答题游戏活动。

    **2:50pm-3:00pm 是登录时间,3:00pm 之后系统将不接受参赛选手。

    ● 参加方式:ZOOM + Kahoot!(最好使用两台不同的设备,一台登录ZOOM,一台登录Kahoot)

    ● ZOOM meeting ID:841 893 6691, Password:GoKahoot!

    ● Kahoot! Game PIN:活动当天发布

    $$$$学校将根据游戏排名颁发Amazon E Gift card奖品:









(3) 3:10pm-4:30pm 新老师介绍&毕业典礼&申请大学经验交流会

    Time: May 24, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting


    Meeting ID: 986 344 9477

    Password: 20200524





      Annabella Liu ,Hanna Wang,Jason Wu,Kevin Lin,Kevin Sui

    **活动中如您想向讲座者提问,请在zoom 用chat 功能向host 递交问题,host 会汇总问题并协调给予答复。


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