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中文学校周讯 Chinese School Newsletter-2/19/21
(1) 本周日(2月21日)上课。
(2) 中文学校绘画比赛于3月15日截稿:
**不限工具和形式:素描、水彩画、蜡笔画、油画, 笔画等均可。
(3) 学校校刊照片征集:
请注意:发送的照片文件名请包含中文学校账户family id (FID),班级名字及学生名字。
(4) 中文学校拟注册成为2021年英国生物奥赛海外参赛学校。本地华人高中学生可代表中文学校参赛。竞赛时间为:8th-15th March 2021。陈海军教授将义务组织、安排考试。请有兴趣的学生及家长尽快与陈教授联系。Email: Haijun.chen2016@gmail.com; Cell: 518-528-4669。由于受Social distance 限制,本次考试场地只能接受最多6名考生。
Dear parents, teachers and students,
(1) The classes resume on Sunday, February 21.
(2) The deadline for Art Contest submission is March 15, 2021.
[Contest Theme: Chinese traditional festival ]
**Artwork can be anything related to festivals, such as legends, food, activities, etc.
**It can be any form: such as sketch, watercolor, crayon, oil painting, etc.
**One entry per student.
Please submit the photo of the artwork to school.events@cccalbany.org.
When you submit, please include the following information in the e-mail:
~~Drawing Title:
~~Family ID:
~~First Name:
~~Last Name:
~~Teacher's Name:
~~Parent's email:
(3) School Yearbook Photo collection:
Parents can take their child(ren)’s self-portraits or pictures they are participating in online classes.
Photos can be sent to Vice Principal Mr. Lei Zhu: school.communication@cccalbany.org
Please make sure your file name including "Chinese school account family ID (FID), class name and student’s name”
(4) 2021 British Biology Olympiad will be held on March 8th-15th.
Professor Chen Haijun will voluntarily organize and arrange the examinations. Any student interested in participating the competition please contact Prof Chen at Haijun.chen2016@gmail.com (e-mail) 518-528-4669 (phone). Due to COVID-19 social distance restrictions, the test site only can accommodate a maximum of 6 students.
Chinese School Administration Team