1/26/25 Bring a friend to Chinese School Event

【中文学校1月26号举办” Bring a friend to Chinese School “活动】



⏰ 时间:1月26日(星期日),下午1:00 – 3:40

📍地点:Shaker Middle School 475 Watervliet Shaker Rd, Latham, NY 12110







Bring a Friend to Chinese School!

Experience the Joy of Learning and Celebrate the Lunar New Year!

When: Sunday, January 26th, 1:00 PM – 3:40 PM

Where: Shaker Middle School

475 Watervliet Shaker Rd, Latham, NY 12110

--Explore Our Classes for free!
Here is the course list and classroom map

--Enjoy the Dragon Parade (舞龙)during recess!

--See PaperCut Art Exhibition 剪纸 and create your own piece!

--Receive a red envelope!
Chinese School students will receive red envelopes in the class.
non-Chiense school students can pick up the red envelopes at the Administration Desk.

--Wear traditional New Year attire (传统服装)or dress in red (穿红色)to welcome good fortune for the year ahead!

Chinese School Administration Team

Youth Chinese Test Registration Starts-YCT考试开始报名

今年的YCT (Youth Chinese Test)考试现在开始报名了,YCT考试不仅是对孩子们汉语水平的认证考试,也是中文学校学生毕业必须满足的条件之一。华社中文学校将组织学生参加2025年3级和4级的YCT纸笔考试。以下是报名链接, 也可以扫描QRCode(见附件)报名。


⏰报名截止日期 :1/28/2025(星期二) 12:00AM(EST)

💵报名费:学生免费, 但学校将统一支付考试中心费用(3级$25,4级$30)。如学生报名注册了本次考试,却在考试当天缺席,学生需补交相应的考试费用。


🔔考试时间: 3/8/2024 (星期六) 13:00PM(EST)

📍考试地点: 华社(Chinese Community Center) 11 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110


如有任何问题, 请联系教务副校长-胡磊school.academic@cccalbany.org


Dear Parents and students,

Registration for this year's YCT (Youth Chinese Test) is now open. The YCT test is not only a certification test for children's Chinese proficiency, but also one of the conditions that Chinese school students must meet to graduate. Huashe Chinese School will hold the YCT paper-based exams for Level 3 and Level 4 in 2025. Below is the registration link, you can also scan the QRCode (see attachment) to register.


*Registration deadline: 1/28/2025(Tuesday) 12:00AM(EST)
*Registration fee: Free for students, but the school will pay the test center ($25/each student for Level 3, $30/each student for Level 4). If a student registers for this exam but is absent on the exam day, the student must pay the corresponding exam fee.
*Recommended grade level students to participate: CSL students can register for the YCT-3 level exam. Students in the fifth and sixth grades of Chinese classes can register to take the YCT-4 level exam.

*Exam time: 3/8/2025(Saturday) 13:00PM(EST)
*Exam Location: Chinese Community Center 11 Avis Dr, Latham, NY 12110

Please reach out to the Chinese class teacher to obtain exam study materials

If you have any questions, please contact Vice Principal Lei Hu at school.academic@cccalbany.org

Chinese School Administration Team

No Chinese School on 1/19 and classes resume on 1/26



Please note that the Chinese school will be closed on January 19th and classes will resume on January 26th

Thank you
Chinese school administration team

Bring a Friend to Chinese School -Jan 26th Lunar New Year Activities

中文学校1月26号举办”bring a friend to school “活动,体验学习的乐趣,庆祝农历新年活动!

时间:1月26日(星期日),下午1:00 – 3:40

地点:Shaker Middle School

475 Watervliet Shaker Rd, Latham, NY 12110



Bring a Friend to Chinese School!

Experience the Joy of Learning and Celebrate the Lunar New Year!

When: Sunday, January 26th, 1:00 PM – 3:40 PM

Where: Shaker Middle School

475 Watervliet Shaker Rd, Latham, NY 12110

--Explore Our Classes!
--Enjoy the Dragon Parade (舞龙)during recess!
--See PaperCut Art Exhibition 剪纸 and create your own piece!
--Receive a red envelope!
--Wear traditional New Year attire (传统服装)or dress in red (穿红色)to welcome good fortune for the year ahead!

Chinese School Administration Team

注册家长值日,获得押金退款 (Sign up parent duty to get refund)


您在学费中预交了$60 PTA押金,现在有机会通过注册中文学校家长值日,获得$40的退款!其余$20将用于年刊制作、学校活动以及其他费用。每个家庭在学年结束时都会收到一本精美的年刊。





值日时间为12:50 PM 到 4:00 PM。

此外,目前还需要6位家长帮忙选择年刊照片,这项工作可以在家完成(Choosing pictures for yearbook (Remote))。


1. 登录华社主页 cccalbany.org,点击Program > School > PTA Duty Signup,完成登记。

2. 或直接点击此链接:https://cccalbany.org/PTASignup

每次课间,PTA成员也会在餐厅现场协助您完成注册。完成值日后,PTA李娜将为您安排退款。她的联系电话是 (518) 698-1079。






Dear Parents,

You have prepaid the $60 PTA deposit with your tuition, you now have the opportunity to register for parent duty at the Chinese school and receive a $40 refund! The remaining $20 will go toward the yearbook, school activities, and other expenses. Every family will receive a yearbook at the end of the school year.

Here are the available dates for parent duty:

—January: January 12 (3 spots left), January 26

—February: February 9, February 23

—March: March 2, March 16, March 23, March 30, as well as other dates from March 2 to April 27

Parent duty hours are 12:50 PM to 4:00 PM.

Additionally, we are looking for 6 parents to help select photos for the yearbook. This task can be done remotely (Choosing pictures for yearbook ).

To register, please:

1. Visit the CCC Albany website at cccalbany.org, click on Program > School > PTA Duty Signup, and complete your registration.

2. Or directly use this link:https://cccalbany.org/PTASignup

During recess, PTA members will also be available in the cafeteria to assist you with on-site registration. After completing your parent duty, PTA member Mrs. Na Li will arrange your refund. You can reach her at (518) 698-1079.

If you have any questions regarding parent duty, please contact PTA Chair Mrs. Lin Zhang at Email: pta@cccalbany.org Phone: 443-538-8430

Thank you for your support and participation!

Chinese School Administration Team

学校一二月份时刻表(Jan & Feb School Schedule)


🟢1月5号: 照常上课
🟢1月12号: 照常上课
🔴1月19号: 放假,不上课。
🟢1月26号: 照常上课。农历新年庆祝活动

🔴2月2号: 放假,不上课
🟢2月9号: 照常上课
🔴2月16号: 放假,不上课
🟢2月23号: 照常上课


⚠️ Chinese School January and February School Schedule:

🟢 January 5: School in session

🟢 January 12: School in session

🔴 January 19: No classes (holiday)

🟢 January 26: School in session and Lunar New Year celebration

🔴 February 2: No classes (holiday)

🟢 February 9: School in session

🔴 February 16: No classes (holiday)

🟢 February 23: School in session

Chinese School Administration Team











AP 中文复习模拟线上考试报名通知 (AP Chinese Mock Exam Registration)

为帮助学生为未来参加 College Board 的 AP 中文考试做好准备,中文学校鼓励八年级及以上的学生参加由全美中文学校联合会举办的 AP 中文复习模拟线上考试。本次报名工作由中文学校统一办理,具体信息如下:

⏰报名截止日期:2024 年 1 月 21 日(星期二)



• 考试时间:


• 第一场:2025 年 3 月 1 日(星期六),美东时间 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

• 第二场:2025 年 3 月 2 日(星期日),美东时间 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

• 考试形式:考试分为两部分,第一部分为听力和阅读,第二部分为写作和口语。考试内容涵盖 AP 中文的六大主题,具体范围、方式及评分标准均参照 College Board 的 AP 中文考试要求。


💵报名费用: 免费。如学生缺考,将需补交中文学校报名费 10 美元。

成绩公布:考试成绩单将于 2025 年 4 月 1 日或之前以电子邮件形式直接发送给考生及学校报名联络人。



2024 学校最后一天(12/15)活动安排Last day of school 2024 (12/15) school activities



• 10:00-11:30:上第一、第二节课(无课间休息)。

• 11:30-12:30:各班级在食堂组织班级聚餐。学校将提供免费一次性餐具、饮用水和冰棍。





• 12:30:颁奖典礼及教师献花活动

• 1:00:迎新年晚会正式开始




Last school day of 2024 (12/15/24) activities:

Morning Schedule:

• 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM: First and second periods classes (no break).

• 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM: Class potluck in the cafeteria. The school will provide free disposable utensils, water, and popsicles.

Each class must ensure that all trash is cleaned up after the gatherings.

Afternoon Schedule:

Chinese School Awards Ceremony and New Year Celebration

Location: Auditorium

• 12:30 PM: Awards ceremony and teacher appreciation with flower presentation

• 1:00 PM: New Year celebration performances begin

There will also be a raffle 🎟️ during the performances. Don’t miss it!

The program schedule is attached. We warmly invite everyone to join us in celebrating the New Year!

Chinese School Administration Team

食品捐赠(Food Drive) 和食品银行志愿者活动(Food Bank Volunteering)


感谢中文学校大家庭对本次活动的大力支持!同时食品银行(Food Bank) 希望我们转达对各位食品捐赠者(包括许多匿名爱心人士)的感激。



请看活动花絮 https://youtu.be/TJ_YWv70-yY


Thank you to the Chinese school family for their strong support for this food drive! Meanwhile, the Food Bank hopes that we will convey our gratitude to all food donors (including many anonymous and caring people).

In this season full of gratitude and sharing, the young volunteers of the Chinese school delivered the donated food to the food bank on behalf of the school on December 8 and assisted in the sorting and packing of fresh vegetables and fruits. These foods will be sent to needy families during the holidays, adding warmth and hope to their tables.

Every bit of love will become the light of the holiday season, and every action will connect a closer community bond.


Chinese School Administration Team

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