9/29/24 Fire Drill 消防演习

按照校历,本周日9/29将会进行消防演习,fire drill。演习将于1:30开始,预计持续20-25分钟。各班学生将以班级为单位,由老师带领,按演习预案,有序从教学楼撤出。在cafeteria逗留和在gym活动的家长,请听从和配合学校工作人员安排,从指定的出口撤出。第一二节课之间的课间休息取消,演习结束后将继续第二节课。

The school will be conducting a fire drill this coming Sunday, September 29th. The fire drill will kick off at 1:30pm and last 20-25 minutes. Students will be evacuated under the guidance of the teachers. The parents staying in the cafeteria and gym should follow the guidance of the school staff for evacuation. No break between the first and second classes. The class will carry on after the fire drill.

Chinese School Administration Team