关于如何申请退课费的重要通知 (how to request tuition refund)



第一步: 请发送电子邮件至学校财务部门,邮箱地址为 school.treasurer@cccalbany.org。邮件中请注明以下信息:
- 学生姓名
- 中文学校账号Family ID
- 需要取消的课程名称

第二步: 请登录学校网站, https://registration.albanychineseschool.org/albany/ 依次点击“关于我们(About Us)”和“表格(Forms)”页面,并填写“退课申请表(Withdrawal Request Form)”。

⚠️请注意: 在学期开始后的前四周内退课,可按比例退款。超过四周后,学费将不再退还。 你的退款审批后将于支票的形式十月份寄到您的地址。



Dear Parents:

To apply for a tuition refund, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Please send an email to the school's finance department at school.treasurer@cccalbany.org Please include the following information in the email:

- Student name

- Chinese school account Family ID

- Course name to be canceled

Step 2: Please log in to the school website, https://registration.albanychineseschool.org/albany/ and click on the "About Us" and "Forms" pages in turn, and fill out the "Withdrawal Request Form".

⚠️Please note: If you withdraw from a course within the first four weeks of the semester, you will receive a pro-rated refund. After four weeks, tuition will no longer be refunded. Once your request is approved, the refund check will be sent to your address in October.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Chinese School Administration Team