消防演习 Fire Drill 10/2/22

这周末10/2中文学校会进行防火演习fire drill,预计1:30开始,持续20-25分钟,取消第一二节课中间的休息,演习结束后,学生会回到教室继续上课至第二节课结束。

请见附件fire drill的步骤,注意事项和floor plan上标注的疏散信息。请届时在cafeteria和gym活动的家长听从conductor指挥,有序疏散。



Chinese School will conduct the fire drill this Sunday, October 2. The fire alarm will go off at 1:30 PM and the whole drill will last 20-25 minutes.

The students will be grouped and then evacuated by class under the organization of the teachers and conductors.

The break between the first and second periods will be canceled; all the students will be returned to the classrooms and proceed to the second class after the drill.

For all the parents staying in the cafeteria and the gyms, please follow the conductors' guidance and evacuate through the closest exit.

Please find the fire drill procedure and the floor map attached for your reference.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Chinese School Administration

Fire Drill Proceudures_02Oct2022.pdf97.92 KB
floor plan _Fire Drill Announce.pdf829.53 KB