Chinese School 2022-23 handbook

📢Dear parents, teachers and students,

Chinese school 2022-23 handbook is available on the school website.

Here is the direct link for the handbook:

You can also get in the school homepage, click”about us 关于我们” ,the click “Handbook 学校手册 2022-23”.

👇The handbook contains the following information:

▶️ Introduction
▶️School Programs
▶️Registration Policy for School Year 2022-2023
▶️纽约首府华社中文学校校历 Chinese School Calendar (2022-2023)
▶️纽约首府中文学校校务人员名单 (School Administration Directory)
▶️纽约首府中文学校董事会成员名单 (School Council Directory)
▶️ 纽约首府中文学校教师名册 (School Teacher Directory)
▶️ 纽约首府华社中文学校中文继承语教学大纲 (Chinese Language Curriculum)
▶️中文学校新冠防疫安全措施 (COVID Safety Protocols)
▶️学生守则 (Student Conduct)
▶️ 家长责任 (Parent Responsibility)
▶️教师职责 (Teacher Responsibility)
▶️家长会职责 (PTA Responsibility)
▶️值日家长职责 (Parents on duty Responsibility)
▶️中文学校毕业条例 (Graduation Requirement)
▶️ 华社中文学校奖学金颁发条例 (Scholarship Award Program)
▶️火警及紧急疏散的有关步骤 Emergency/Fire Evacuation Procedures
▶️ 因天气原因学校停课 school closing Inclement Weather
▶️School Map
▶️School Organization Chart


Chinese School Administration Team