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国际象棋初级班老师更换通知 (Chess Level 1 class Teacher Change Notice)
新学年国际象棋初级班老师换为Jeff Young,他是一位有着丰富国际象棋比赛和教学经验的老师,请见他的Bio如下 -
Dear Parents,
We have to change the teacher for the Chess-Beginner class to Jeff Young, who has years of experience in chess competitions and tutoring. Please find his bio down below -
Jeff remembers learning the chess moves from my dad, then playing in some tournaments with friends when in Junior High School. He took a more serious interest as an adult in the 1990s, playing in his first adult tournament in 2004, and he has playing and studying chess consistently since then. U.S. Chess Federation rating about 1500: http://www.uschess.org/msa/MbrDtlTnmtHst.php?12911889.
Most of his playing has been online with the Internet Chess Club (ICC) however, especially since covid. His ICC profile: https://app.chessclub.com/Profile/jientho
Besides playing, He is also very interested in and has studied chess theory (including openings) and computer chess. He has a mentioned in the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences for some of this work: https://oeis.org/A079485.
He also has some chess tutoring experience for about a year.
His career has been as an IT specialist, most recently with Bank of America in Albany. He retired in June after 16 years. He is an RPI grad, BS ‘82 and MS ‘95, both in Computer Science.
He lives with my family in Latham and has two daughters.
♟国际象棋班 Level 1(零基础)Chess Level 1 Class
⌚️Class Schedule: Sundays 2:50 PM -3:40 PM
From 9/11/22 to 5/14/23 (No classes during holidays & school breaks)
📍Location: Shaker Middle School Classroom A226
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